Another magic Tricks
Not enough?How about another one for you and just for you...
Effect: The magician takes a packet of ten cards from the top of a shuffled deck. A spectator thinks of one of those cards and memorizes it. The magician tells the spectator to also memorize the position of the card from the top of the (face-down) packet. That done, the magician squares the packet up.
Magician divides the packet in half. He takes the top five cards and places them under the bottom five. He asks the spectator for the position of the remembered card. Magician takes a card from the top of the packet and puts it on the bottom. Do this the same number of times as the number the spectator gave you.The magician finds the card, using the Elimination Shuffle.
The Elimination Shuffle: Take the top card off the packet and put on the bottom. Take the new top card and put it on the table. Keep doing this, one card to the bottom, next card to the table, until you hold only one card. It will be the card the spectator chose.