Make and Even Generate Money From the Internet

Monday, November 13, 2006

Making Money Online IS Possible... Here's HOW

Are you trying to make money online but just can't seem to get the income you want? There are thousands upon thousands of aspiring online business entrepreneurs who are in the same boat as you right now. You are not alone! However, in this article, I am going to give you some tips on how to actually make money online and eventually bring in a very nice income.

Before we get started let's talk a little about who I am and why it's even worth your time to listen to me. Am I rich? No. My bank account would be laughable compared to Bill Gates or Donald Trump, but compared to the average person trying to make money online from a home business you could say I am doing quite well.

I started my online business about three and a half years ago and slowly but surely increased my income to the point of financial independence. I now make a very good full time income online and only work a few hours per week. It wasn't easy... far from it! But it was worth it. I don't consider myself to be some money making guru. But I have been making money online, and teaching people to do the same, long enough to know what I am talking about.

So how can you make a living from home? Here are the steps necessary to make money online and eventually bring in a very good income...

1) Define Your "Why" - Really the first, and most important, step to becoming rich is not "how" to do it but "why" to do it. Without your why, your how will be nearly impossible. Once you have found your why, it is much easier to find your how to become rich. You must look deep inside yourself to find out why you want to become rich. Once you have found it write it down and keep it in a place where you will see it everyday. After you find your why you can search for your how. Remember, there is no easy road to riches. If there was then everyone would be rich.

2) Write Your Plan - When you are getting started you will need a plan. What exactly do you want to accomplish? How long will it take to do it? What steps do you need to take to ensure it happens? How many hours are you going to put in each day? How much money can you afford to spend on marketing? Etc... Think about these questions and write down the answers. Make your plan realistic and stick with it as closely as possible. It can be modified along the way as things change but you should always have a realistic plan to follow.

3) Find Your "How" - Now it's time to start searching for how you will make money online. There are many different ways to make money online. A few of the most popular ones are: business opportunities, affiliate marketing, network marketing, niche marketing, creating your own e-book, or doing an actual online job. Most of these actually go hand-in-hand so you will usually be doing more than one at a time. They are usually lumped under one umbrella called internet marketing.

My suggestion is to start out with an actual paying online job as well as at least one of the others. Doing this will allow you to bring in an online income while getting started in something that you will eventually make a lot more money doing. For instance, you could work a couple hours per day in an online job while spending the rest of your spare time learning how to market affiliate programs.

I actually know of a great program where that is exactly what you do. You make money working online jobs while also getting into affiliate marketing and a business opportunity and learning to market on the internet. You can find it here:

4) Get Educated - Walking blindly into an online business without having some basic education is suicide! You need to know the basics of online marketing and promoting. You can get this education for free all over the place on the internet. A great place to start is internet marketing forums and articles.

You also need to know programs to definitely stay away from before you make the mistake of jumping into some overhyped dishonest opportunity or even an all out scam. A good way to be sure you don't get sucked into one of these is to stay away from anything that promises ridiculously large amounts of money in a short period of time. Or any opportunity that says you will make a lot of money without doing any, or very little, work. It's just not true!

To help you out a little here are a few things I can tell you right now to avoid - paid to read emails, randomizers, doublers, paid to surf, HYIP, the oprah paypal letter, etc... of course there are more things to stay away from but I can't go into detail in this article due to length. I will tell you that the Honest Income Program mentioned above gives you a lot more programs to avoid and tells why you should avoid them.

5) Get Started - Now it's time for you to get started making money in your new business. It is critical in this step to be focused. Don't go jumping around to every opportunity you see just because it promises riches. Stick with what you started and put your full effort into it. It is also critical that you do not expect too much too fast. It is going to take time to start making money online and it is going to take even longer to start making a significant amount of income.

While you are getting started you will be learning a LOT. In fact, you will probably feel like you are on information overload and feel overwhelmed by everything there is to learn. Don't worry it will all come together. Just take things one step at a time in an organized manner. The learning is something that never stops. You will constantly be learning new things in online business but the beginning is probably the most crucial and the toughest.

The most important part of this step is to TAKE ACTION! Yes, there is a lot to learn and a lot to do but the only way to get anywhere is to do something with it. Making money online is largely about taking action. The more you sit back and wait for the "right time" the less you are actually out there making money.

6) Work Hard and NEVER Quit - This is probably the best advice that was ever given to me and I consider it the most important tip I can pass on to anyone trying to make money online. No matter what anyone tells you making money online is hard work. You have to put in a lot of time and effort before you reap the rewards of it. You will fail at times, that is certain! However, you will also succeed if you get up from those failures and keep going!

That's it. Those are the six basic steps to making money online and eventually bringing in a great full-time income. Of course, this article is a simplified version of what it truly takes. There is more detail to making money online that cannot be fully explained in one article but the above is basically all you need to do. It will not be easy but it can certainly be done. There are thousands upon thousands of people making money online right now. Many of them are very rich because of it. Follow the above steps and you can be making a full time income on the internet soon enough.
-Trent Browning-

Web Site Promotion for Beginner

f you are new to the internet world you are not alone. There are a lot of people who are not too familiar with the internet, but want to join in on the profits that are available. If this sounds like you one of the most important things that you will need to learn is how to promote your web site.

When it comes to promoting your web site there are many options available to you. The good thing is that a lot of them are free of cost, or will only set you back a few dollars. But at the same time there are also a lot of ways that you can promote your web site that will cost you quite a bit of money. But either way, if you learn what you are doing you will be able to get the word out about your web site.

As far as free web site promotion is concerned, one of the best things that you can do is join in on the discussions that are taking place at some of the online forums. For instance, if your new web site is targeted towards the clothing industry, you will want to find forums that discuss this topic. When talking with others you can run ideas past them, and also market your new web site to them. Make sure that you add your web site to your forum signature. This way, every time you make a post anybody that reads it will be able to click on your link. Believe it or not this will drive plenty of traffic to your site.

Another low cost way to promote your web site is to submit articles to article directories. This can be done in a matter of minutes. All you have to do is write an article that coincides with your web site, and then submit it to directories. In addition, you will be able to add an author’s resource box after the article. This again will allow readers to click on your link and head straight for your site. Over time different article directories will pick up on your articles. In turn, your links will begin to show up all over the internet, which of course means more traffic directed to your web site.

Overall, web site promotion is something that you will want to learn about early on. But do not let this scare you away. There are many ways that you can promote your new web site to the internet world. With a bit of research, patience, and determination, you will be successfully promoting your web site. And with successful promotion comes traffic and profits! And isn’t this what everybody wants?

If you are new to the internet world you are not alone. There are a lot of people who are not too familiar with the internet, but want to join in on the profits that are available. If this sounds like you one of the most important things that you will need to learn is how to promote your web site.

When it comes to promoting your web site there are many options available to you. The good thing is that a lot of them are free of cost, or will only set you back a few dollars. But at the same time there are also a lot of ways that you can promote your web site that will cost you quite a bit of money. But either way, if you learn what you are doing you will be able to get the word out about your web site.

As far as free web site promotion is concerned, one of the best things that you can do is join in on the discussions that are taking place at some of the online forums. For instance, if your new web site is targeted towards the clothing industry, you will want to find forums that discuss this topic. When talking with others you can run ideas past them, and also market your new web site to them. Make sure that you add your web site to your forum signature. This way, every time you make a post anybody that reads it will be able to click on your link. Believe it or not this will drive plenty of traffic to your site.

Another low cost way to promote your web site is to submit articles to article directories. This can be done in a matter of minutes. All you have to do is write an article that coincides with your web site, and then submit it to directories. In addition, you will be able to add an author’s resource box after the article. This again will allow readers to click on your link and head straight for your site. Over time different article directories will pick up on your articles. In turn, your links will begin to show up all over the internet, which of course means more traffic directed to your web site.

Overall, web site promotion is something that you will want to learn about early on. But do not let this scare you away. There are many ways that you can promote your new web site to the internet world. With a bit of research, patience, and determination, you will be successfully promoting your web site. And with successful promotion comes traffic and profits! And isn’t this what everybody wants?
-Eric Emmorey-

Learning the Basics of RSS

What is RSS?

You probably have seen this three-letter acronym in the course of your internet surfing. RSS stands for

Really Simple Syndication or Rich Site Summary; syndicating means republishing an article that comes from another source such as a website.

An RSS is a means of publicizing updates about websites. It may or may not include a summary and photos of the latest posting. But those that provide summaries (thus Rich Site Summary) allow users to skim through the article so that they could decide later on if they want to access the website source. The RSS feed usually contains the title of the update originating from the website. It is also usually the link to the website source.

What are the benefits of RSS? RSS gives benefits to both readers (users) and web publishers.

1. It gives you the latest updates.

Whether it is about the weather, new music, software upgrade, local news, or a new posting from a rarely-updates site learn about the latest as soon as it comes out.

2. It saves on surfing time.

Since an RSS feed provides a summary of the related article, it saves the user's time by helping s/he decide on which items to prioritize when reading or browsing the net.

3. It gives the power of subscription to the user.

Users are given a free-hand on which websites to subscribe in their RSS aggregators which they can change at any time they decide differently.

4. It lessens the clutter in your inbox.

Although your email address will be required to enjoy the services of online RSS aggregators, RSS does not use your email address to send the updates.

5. It is spam free.

Unlike email subscriptions, RSS does not make use of your email address to send updates thus your privacy is kept safe from spam mails.

6. Unsubscribing is hassle-free. Unlike email subscriptions where the user is asked questions on why s/he is unsubscribing and then the user would be asked to confirm unsubscribing, all you have to do is to delete the RSS feed from your aggregator.

7. It can be used as an advertising or marketing tool.

Users who subscribe or syndicate product websites receive the latest news on products and services without the website sending spam mail. This is advantageous to both the web user and the website owner since advertising becomes targeted; those who are actually interested in their products are kept posted.

What are the drawbacks of RSS? The disadvantages of RSS use are brought about by its being a new technology and some user-preference concerns.

1. Some users prefer receiving email updates over an RSS feed.

2. Graphics and photos do not appear in all RSS feeds. For conciseness and ease of publication, RSS feeds do not display the photos from the original site in announcing the update except for some web-based aggregators

3. The identity of the source website can be confusing. Since RSS feeds do not display the actual URL or name of the website, it can sometimes get confusing on what feed a user is actually reading.

The information about RSS presented here will do one of two things: either it will reinforce what you know about RSS or it will teach you something new. Both are good outcomes.

4. Publishers cannot determine how many users are subscribed to their feed and the frequency of their visits. Moreover, they would not know the reasons why users unsubscribe which could be important in improving their advertising.

5. RSS feeds create higher traffic and demands on the server. Most readers still prefer the whole update over a

brief summary of the entry, thus they still access the site.

6. Since it is a new technology, many sites still do not support RSS.

How do I start using RSS? There are two things needed: an RSS feed and an RSS aggregator or reader. The RSS feed comes from an RSS-supported website. There are also websites that provide a list of RSS feeds of different websites. An RSS aggregator is used to read the RSS feed from the source website. It scans and collects data on latest RSS feeds from the worldwide web.

An aggregator comes in two forms: a downloadable program also known as desktop aggregator and an online or web-based aggregator. Downloadable aggregators may require payment before they can be acquired, while internet-based aggregators are usually free of charge. All you need to do is to register an account then you are ready to use their services. Both versions allow you to customize or choose which RSS feeds to enter. Paid aggregators are usually chosen by more experienced users and they usually allow more freedom in customizing feeds.

1. Choose an RSS aggregator to use. For beginners, web-based aggregators are recommended since they are usually user-friendly

2. Scan the homepage of your target website for the RSS or XML button. It contains the RSS code you need to enter in the aggregator. Copy this code. Syndic8 provides a directory of websites that support RSS.

3. Paste the code (which contains the URL of the website) in your aggregator. There is a space provided for pasting the code.

After you have done these three easy steps, you can start reading the RSS feeds coming from the website. New postings appear as they are published real time at the source website.

RSS and Internet Marketing

The original idea of RSS came from Netscape, where their intention is to provide a means for users to customize their personal homepage to contain links to websites that interest them, similar to bookmarking websites.

The application of RSS to internet marketing was an unforeseen development to RSS technology developers. Since users are given the freedom to add RSS feeds to their aggregators, those who are interested in particular products and services available in the internet can now be notified real time. Marketing becomes more specific to interested people and not a hit-and-miss operation.

Those who intend to use RSS for marketing their products and services should consider linking up with email account providers, (e.g. Yahoo, MSN, Google mail); networking websites (e.g. Friendster, Multiply, My Space, Hi5); websites of newspapers and television network websites (e.g. New York Times, CNN) for medium to big-scale companies. Small-time industries can also look into networking websites as well as personal blog websites (e.g. Blogspot) and websites of clubs and organizations that would probably make use of their products or services e.g. a fishing supplies store can look for the website of their local fishing club for possible RSS marketing.

Clearly, RSS is an innovation in information management in the worldwide web as well as online marketing. We can expect better RSS technology in the not-so-distant future as its popularity increases among users and website owners alike.
-Dina Fedorova-

Tips For Maximum Adsense Content Relevancy

One of the most essential aspects of getting the most out of your involvement with Google’s Adsense program is to be certain that Google serves up the most relevant ads possible on your site. The concept is easy to grasp--visitors travel to your sites in search of certain content on their topic of interest. If they see advertisements directly related to those content desires, they are far more likely to click on the ads than if they encounter only tangentially related material or, in a worst case scenario, ads that are not even related to their interests. As such, it is in your best interests to make sure your site displays relevant ads. Here are few tips for improving your content relevancy to produce more accurately targeted contextual advertising from Adsense.

FIRST THINGS FIRST. Before you even begin to use Adsense as a monetization tool, make sure there are relevant ads for your site or pages. In most cases, you will have determined this long before you even embarked on site design or content development. However, if you are thinking of adding Adsense to an existing site built with other monetization strategies originally in mind, you may not have bothered checking to see if other advertisers were going after that particular market. Be sure you are addressing a topic for which ads exist in sufficient quantity. If related advertising is sparse, it will difficult to avoid irrelevant ads.

KEYWORDS MATTER. You do not want content that is overstuffed with particular keywords to point of destroying readability and value, but you do want to make sure your materials make liberal use of on-topic keywords likely to spawn the most relevant possible ads. Experts maintain that using keywords with your titles and H1 tags is an excellent way to assist in getting the most relevant possible ads. This has added advantages in terms of search engine optimization, as well.

METATAGS. Once upon a time, metatags were a critical aspect of search engine optimization in general. Although the engines rely upon metatags far less than they once did, there is some evidence to suggest that using ad-triggering keywords in your pages’ meta-tags may increase the relevance of the advertisements displayed. This strategy may help, and it certainly cannot hurt.

LOOK FOR LACKLUSTER CONTENT. Many sites to a great job of supplying content related to particular themes or keywords in the main portion of a page, but have sidebars, headers and footers filled with less targeted terms and material. Take a long look at your navigational elements and other “side of the page” text and remove keyword terminology that may be leading to irrelevant ad service. Alternatively, you can use Adsense’s section targeting tool to remove those areas from Adsense’s consideration completely, so long as you do not plan to display ad blocks or ad link units in those areas.

TIGHT THEMING. You want to keep content tightly themed. That means you do not want to feature long, rambling articles that cover multiple topics. Instead, rely upon materials that address singular issues. You also do not want to feature multiple chunks of content on disparate matters on the same page for that very same reason. The value of tight theming may extend past individual pages. Many publishers argue that Adsense tends to reward tightly-themed overall sites with more relevant ads, as well. Even though this aspect of theming is not as well researched and proven, it makes sense to follow the practice, because of the search engine optimization advantages of having a focused site.

BLOCK THE BAD ADS. Monitor your site regularly and take note when irrelevant ads appear. Then, take the time to add them to your blacklist for the site. Google does give you the ability to block individual ads via the Competitive Ad Filter. If you block out commonly served irrelevant ads, you may improve your chances of featuring more ads upon which your visitors will actually click.

The more contextually relevant the ads appearing on your site are, the more clicks you can expect to see. As such, it is important to make an effort to use a combination of proven SEO methods that also work well with Adsense and some program-specific maneuvers to secure the best possible ads on your site.
-Jean-Philippe Schoeffel-

Online Paid Surveys Can Give You An Extra Income

If you have been on the internet looking for an opportunity to earn money you have probably already heard about paid surveys. Online paid surveys are one of the first things money making opportunities people get to know. For people who have been on the internet for a while, this is well known. This article is for people who are new to paid surveys and if you are one of them you should keep on reading because it might be profitable for you.

In this article I have listed some common questions regarding paid surveys. I have also added answers to those questions based on my own experience as a user of this method for generating extra income. My purpose is to help you to gain a better understanding of the online paid survey process.

What is a survey actually?

Online surveys provide a way by which data about people, services or products are gathered through internet. This way to describe it is pretty good if you want to get an idea what to expect from such a survey. Each survey contain a number of questions on a particular topic. To give you an example, it can be a product satisfaction survey which may consist of various questions designed to get your opinion about different characteristics of the product - if you find it helpful, if it is costly for you or if it has a decent price, how frequently you would buy it, etc.

Which benefits does a company have from collecting answers from surveys?

Surveys are a major and widely used market research tool online as well as off line. They are a reliable and preferred method that many marketing companies use to assemble and filter consumers' opinion that help them improve their marketing activities.

What are some companies willing to pay me to answer such surveys?

In fact, many people would be happy to complete a survey for free. Today we are surrounded with people who want our opinion; in our mail boxes, on our phone and on our doorsteps. Many people are tiered of this and won't bother or will even give cheeky answers. If you are paid for your opinion, you are more likely to increase your engagement and give answers that are in harmony with what you really mean. When you are paid you have the necessary motivation to answer it and if you utilize this option from several companies you can earn extra money using paid surveys. That is why many - especially home mothers and fathers and other people with much leisure time - are attracted towards it. The expense represented by the payout is reasonable for the surveying marketing company - the data is vital for planning their activities thus saving a fortune on possible wrong marketing campaigns.

How can I start receiving online paid surveys and start to make money?

To enter the world of this opportunity to earn extra cash you just need to join some online paid survey programs. As soon as your registration, you will start receiving surveys. The frequency at which you get surveys will depend on your profile and on the survey company type as well as how many survey companies you have signed up for.

How much will I be earning?

The payment varies from each survey which means that each of them will bring you different amount of money. It will vary with the company as well as with the type of survey you answer. Some of them may bring you just $3 while other can add up to $50 and even more to your monthly balance. The total earnings each month depend on the kind of surveys you will be completing and their amount. The amount of surveys you get from one company is difficult to predict so you better do not depend on this income. What you can do though, is to join as many companies as possible. The more companies you the more income your are likely to receive.

How will I get paid?

Each individual company or site has a different payment method. The most common payment options are:

payment with cheque,

payment via Pal Pay (this requires a Paypal account which is free and very easy to get)

payment to your credit card.

Make sure that you have checked the method of payment that you need before taking up the surveys. This will keep you away for a nasty surprise.

Are there some scams I should watch out for?

As with most other online stuff, it is better to watch and be careful to whom you are disclosing your data. Unfortunately there are many more fake sites than the genuine ones and no wonder that you come across the fake ones in the first page of your search engine. If you take this seriously and treat it as a genuine income opportunity, it is mandatory to read the contracts, terms and conditions related to those sites. This will give you a fairly clear idea of how they operate or at least how you might lose your money! Serious paid survey companies will have their contact numbers and address displayed in their website. If this information is lacking you should think twice before investing.

I will recommend that you check out what other people are saying about the companies you consider to join. You can go to appropriate discussion forums and other media and publications which can give you an idea about that company. you can also do a search with the company or website name plus "review" or "testimonial". This will enable you to stay away from the scams and focus on serious paid survey companies.
-Edgar Holm-

How to Make Money on the Internet

You need a simple, doable, repeatable and workable system that is all set up and in place and that offers to show others how to make money on the Internet and which makes money itself. The simpler, more doable, repeatable and workable, the better. This a very key point of attraction to those looking to make money on the Internet. Therefore, you have to promote THIS as what you have to offer.

You see, people are not likely to respond to your offer to join your downline to “make a six-figure income” or some such offer even though that's what everyone wants. Those offers can be found almost everywhere and yours is likely to be received with the typical of attitude of “Oh, I’ve heard that one before,” and it's likely to be rejected or “put on the back burner” (which usually means “never”) as can happen so often—even if it's SO LOGICAL to accept your offer because it is TRUE they can make so much money. If only they would just do it. It gets to be so you can't believe how stupid and/or blind some people can be sometimes.

Ok, if the people you contact seem to be acting like social pack creatures who are looking for some leader to follow who is not you, how do you get their attention so you can point the way? Well, believe it or not, PEOPLE WOULD RATHER LEARN HOW TO DO SOMETHING THAN ACTUALLY DO IT.

So, the answer is not offering “a six-figure income,” but offering a solution as to HOW to make money with a very simple, doable, repeatable and workable system that is all set up and in place (that is also very inexpensive but has tremendous potential returns—but never putting that up front as the sales pitch) AND also pass this advice along to others AND tell them to tell others to do the same, etc., THEN you will create a downline that will create more downline, AND SO ON.

So, where do you find a very simple, doable, repeatable and workable system that is all set up and in place that offers to show others how to make money on the Internet and which makes money itself? You can use these two: and — Go ahead and look at them and you will see that they are very simple, doable, repeatable, workable, very inexpensive and offer tremendous potential income streams for the rest of your life. (And you can probably even bequeath them to your survivors!) When you sign up with these links, you will get your own personalized links.

And how are you going to pass along this advice to create a downline that will create more downline, AND SO ON? Well, right now I am giving you permission to use this article, just as it is, from top to bottom including these words you are reading right now: Put your links in place of mine and put your name and email ID in place of mine at the bottom, save a copy and send it out or use it however you want to create your own downline. This article will be used again and again by those you send it to for sending out to others with THEIR links and names on it which will create more downline, AND SO ON.

This is now all in place for you to make money on the Internet. Go ahead, you have the lead for others to follow.
–Tim Ottavi

6 Awesome Ways To Explode Your Home Based Business Traffic and Revenue

Do you ever have the feeling that everyone else is getting traffic to their website, except you? Is your revenue less than what you had hoped for? Do you have any sales and revenues at all?

If the answer to even one of these questions is YES ---then this article is for you.

Are you ready to kick your website up a notch and get your traffic and revenues into a hyper active mode! Any one of them can make a shocking improvement to your traffic and revenues.

Let's get started:

Tip #1: Take This In The Right Way, But: Is Your Website Boring?

Is it plain and/or drab? Add exciting colors, shorter content paragraphs, professional graphics, banners and ads.

On average, users visiting your home business web site develop an immediate sense of interest (or not) about your site within 10-15 seconds. A lot of long boring text, amateurish graphics, layout and design of the site will drive them away almost immediately.

Add lots of action oriented text, designed to prompt them into the action you are asking them to take.

You literally have seconds to grab their attention and keep it before they move on. You have them on your home business web site. Make sure you keep them there!

Tip #2: If Your Web Site Is A Sales Page – Show ONLY The Features And Benefits TO THE CUSTOMER.

Help them understand what is in it for THEM. How the product will improve, enhance, and make their lives better.

Forget about trying to convince them how great it is. This WILL NOT cause a single sale to happen. Help them see how purchasing the product will make their lives better to have your product or service.

Tip #3: For Most Websites, Free Content and Great Content Rules.

It continues to be the case that an expectation has been established that internet visitors are absolutely crave free information of as high quality as possible. If it is free, then all the better.

Tip# 4: Get all those ads off your website.

Ok, not really, just clean those up so at least they don't look so obvious! Visitors are completely turned off by websites (home based or regular sites) which are full of advertisements.

There are lots of ways to clean the text up (even the Google ads) to blend them into the website by coloration, etc. that not only looks less like an ad, but also closely matches the look of other information on your website.

Tip #5: Generate more revenue by replacing Google Ads with Affiliate Program links.

You will be pleasantly surprised when your revenue checks increase dramatically from sales commissions versus Google Ad-"cents"!

Tip #6 Check Your Website Links Over and Over!

No matter how careful you are, if you are adding programs, websites, sales opportunities, you will occasionally have a bad link.

If you are a large business, perhaps you can afford lost revenues and potential sales, but if you are like most small home based business enterprises – you can not afford to loose even one sales opportunity or have a visitor give up on your website due to bad links.

More an issue of when or how often it happens, it will happen. The point is, save yourself those lost sales opportunities and irritate visitors who move on to someone's website. Check all the links on your websites on a regular basis.

There you have it. Implement just one of these tips into your online business activities and you will see a significant difference. Implement them all and you will Explode your home based business traffic and revenues in no time at all!
-Steven Wright-

The Philosophy Of Why Blogging And Publishing Content Online Is So Important And Profitable

Most people surfing the Internet are looking for information. In other words, most people are not actively seeking to buy a product and nearly everyone expects to get the information for free.

Speaking specifically about the market place of people who are "interested" in having an online home business and/or generating income from the web, most of these people want to find good information about the subject first.

Therefore, by becoming a provider of trustworthy information about online home businesses, legitimate work at home opportunities and ways to generate income online, positions you as the source for what people are actually looking for in the first place.

Then, when people find your information and get engaged in the articles, they will naturally find the links that point to your sales page and visit them. Now, they have already been pre-sold and have more trust in the link to your sales page because they have already benefited by reading the free information provided in the article on your blog!

Also, blogs are the most search engine friendly Internet publishing tool in existence. This means that the pages of your blog can start being indexed by the search engines almost immediately and some of your blog content pages will start showing up in the free listings of the search engines when people search for various keywords. Therefore, adding quality content to your blog on a regular basis can generate free targeted traffic to your website potentially forever.

Publishing a blog allows you to instantly create new content-rich web pages. These new pages can be linked to from the home page of your current website and/or promoted separately. By creating additional content-rich website pages and promoting them from your home page or through other means, you will be accomplishing two important things:

1) You will provide more value for your website visitors. This increases the "stickiness" of your website making people stick around longer and ultimately trust you more. On the Internet, trust translates to profits!

2) Search engines love fresh content created through blogs. By publishing your own blog and adding fresh content to it on a regular basis, you will attract the attention of the major search engines who will list your website in their directories for free. As soon as you have pages of your blog in the search engines, you will start attracting free qualified traffic to your site without paying a dime for it. Imagine running a large and comprehensive Google Adwords campaign without paying anything for it. That is exactly what you can accomplish by publishing your own blog!

Anytime you have some news to share about your business, it is a great idea to use your autoresponder to let your subscribers know about it. You could even link your autoresponder to your blog, so that each time you post information on your blog your subscribers are notified by email. This type of active relationship building can make a huge impact on your business. The more you interact with your subscribers, the more they will trust you and want to do business with you!

With a blog, the publishing possibilities are only limited by your own imagination. The point to realize is that, as a blog publisher, you have just unlocked a huge window of opportunity for yourself!

-Cynthia Minnaar-

S.Housley AdSense Hints and Tips

AdSense allows website publishers to display contextually relevant advertisements on their website. If a web visitor "clicks" on an advertisement, the web publisher will earn a percentage of the advertising revenue generated as a result of the click. Many webmasters have built content websites around the Google AdSense model. In many cases the specific intent of the webmaster is to profit from Google AdSense. Other webmasters use Google AdSense to supplement their revenue. Regardless of the webmaster's intent, the following tips will help webmasters looking to profit from AdSense.

Top AdSense Tips:

1. Niche Sites.
Targeted niche sites that have a clear theme, tend to generate more advertising revenue simply because it is easier to achieve decent search engine placement. Be warned though, you want to chose a niche where there is a sufficient number of advertisements available.

2. Target Keywords.
When determining the sites focus, consider how much the advertisers pay for the advertisements. If the site is focused on ringtones, like Ringtone Central the payout per click is going to be very small, as ringtones are not high ticket items, advertisers will not spend a lot on pay per click advertisements. With less obvious markets use Overture to determine how much advertisers pay per keyword, it is usually similar on Google. Search Overture for a keyword then click "View Advertisers' Max Bids" in the top right corner. This will show the Overture inventory and how much is paid per keyword. Because the market has become very competitive, it will be difficult to rank well in search engines with a new website that is optimized for the terms that have the highest payout. Consider targeting terms that are moderately priced.

3. Aged Sites / Time.
Over time as a website is spidered by Google, advertisements will generally increase in relevance. In general, older websites will rank better in search engines. The closer the advertisements relate to the webpage's content; the higher the "click-through" the publishers will see.

4. Coding.
In order to minimize a websites maintenance place the Google generated AdSense code in the website template or an include file. This will allow you to easily experiment with different advertisement sizes and ad placement, and keep the web maintenance to a minimum.

5. Tracking Channels.
In order to know how effective a specific website or ad placement is use distinct channels and subchannels within Google. This will allow you to discern what performs best on a specific website. Using channels will tell you what sites are making money, what advertisements are making money and what ad position is the most profitable on a specific website. Keep in mind that you should run an advertisement for a full week, in order to properly test its effectiveness, different days of the week will vary the web traffic so comparing one week to another will give the most accurate reflection of how effective a campaign performs.

When testing different advertisement sizes, placement or color schemes be sure to leave campaigns in place for one week, different days will often result in web traffic fluctuations. Comparing web traffic, week to week will give a clear indication of what ad formats perform the best.

6. Integrated Ad Placement.
Many webmasters have been successful at integrating advertisements into a website. The easiest way to integrate an advertisement into a website is to remove the advertisement border. This will allow the ads to better blend with the webpage. Google recommends contrasting the link colors with the website colors to increase click-throughs. It is also suggested that webmasters randomize the color of the advertisements, so that frequent users will not naturally "filter" the ads.

example of integrated ad placement: or

7. Number vs Value of Advertisements.
Up to three advertisements can be listed on each page. This decreases the value of the advertisements served, so publishers should cautiously add advertisement units, as it dilutes ad inventory. In other words you want to serve the most expensive ads at all times.

8. Hot Spots.
Like web copy above the fold holds true with AdSense as well. This means that advertisements that appear without having to scroll will be read more frequently. Hot Spots are areas on a web page that result in a higher percentage of click-throughs. According to Google the highest paying advertisements are located on the hot spots.

hot spots map -

Google does not indicate if image advertisements or text ads perform better, so webmasters are encouraged to experiment with both.

9. Highest performing Ad Sizes.
According to Google the 336 x 280 rectangle, the 300 x250 rectangle and the 160 x 600 sky scraper result in the highest number of click-throughs. Depending on the website's design and layout, publishers may experience different results with different ad sizes, placements and color schemes. Expirement and track the results for each website to maximize the AdSense payout.

How to Double Your AdSense Income Instantly

As you probably already know, AdSense is revolutionizing the way many infopreneurs are creating revenue from their web site traffic. The reason for this is its simplicity. Through AdSense, revenue is generated when someone simply clicks thru the AdSense ads displayed on the webmasters web site.

In this article I want to give you a few simple ways to dramatically increase your AdSense income.

The bottom line:

To increase AdSense income all you must do is increase the number of click thrus you receive.

There are two ways for you to increase your total number of click thrus. You can either increase your website traffic or you can increase your AdSense click thru rate. Now, getting more traffic would be great, but let’s be honest increasing your web site traffic is much easier said than done. So, let’s focus on increasing your AdSense click thru rate instead.

4 Tips to Increase Click Thru:

Match your AdSense to your website:

You want your AdSense ads to appear as seamless as possible. Your goal is to match every aspect of your AdSense ads to the theme of your website. What you want to do is remove the borders from your AdSense ads and match the background color of the ad to your website. Additionally, you want to match the color of the AdSense links to the rest of the links on your website plus choose an ad format that makes the ads look seamless.

For example, if your web site has a white background and the default color of your hypertext links is blue you will want to remove the border from your AdSense, make the background white, choose either a square or a rectangle as your ad format instead of a skyscraper or banner, and yep you guessed it… make the links blue.

Placement Matters:

Where you place your AdSense ads is just as important as how they look. Luckily, there are only a few concepts that you need to worry about in order to increase your click through rate.

•The more white space around your ads the better
•The closer to the top of the page the better
•The closer the left of the page the better

Follow these concepts and I can assure you that you will see an increase in your AdSense click thru rate. (It really is that simply!)

Google Search:

Now this is one that I rarely see webmasters take advantage of. The Google AdSense program gives webmasters the ability to add a Google search box to there web site.

Why should you use this function?

Well, when a website visitor chooses to use this search box from your website your AdSense ID will be imbedded in ALL of that visitors Google searches. If that person does 1 search or 50 your AdSense ID will still be imbedded throughout process.

Why is this so great?

If that visitor clicks on any of the sponsored listings while surfing from your web site guess who makes money. YOU! If they hit the back button and click on another ad guess who makes money? YOU! This is absolutely huge. Through this function you now have the ability to earn multiple click thrus from the same visitor on the site visit. Please don’t overlook how powerful this is. Besides, most of your website traffic will just be browsing anyway, so I why help them find what there looking for and make a little coin along the way?


Just like any other type of marketing, you won’t know what’s working the best for you on your web site unless you track the different things that you’re experimenting with. Set up a few Google AdSense channels for the different ads that you’ll be placing on your website. Then just see which channels are working the best and stick to those.

That’s it!

Follow the tips above and I can assure you that you will absolutely double your AdSense click thru rate and your AdSense income. The best part about the four tips I’ve shared here is that you can put them into action immediately and see how they will work on your website right now. Who knows… you could be making twice as much by tomorrow by just making a few simple tweaks here and there.
By-Daegan Smith

3 Practical Models To Quickly Earn And Maximize Google Adsense Revenue As A Publisher

Looking back in time, I could still remember standing in awe and reading the exploits of one adsense publisher who was starting a membership service for people keen to maximise their earnings as a google adsense publisher. He claimed to be making over $40K a month from his google adsense revenue and an almost equal amount from affiliate products.

In my mind,I could not help but believe that if he could be so successful, I could also be successful...and everyone can also be equally successful in developing content websites and allowing google adsense to be published on these websites.

Months followed later where I carried out research on Google Adsense, talked to people who were successful publishers, joined a couple of memberships sites myself, read a few ebooks on the subject, spent hundreds of dollars on tools and webpage generating software...the whole works.

My aim was simple - uncover the successful methods and make at least one of these techniques as mine and be equally successful , if not better.

What were my results? Briefly, there were 3 models that could lead to success. There might be more, but these 3 models figured prominently as I carried out my personal private research.

In the content model, a mini site is developed for a niche project. Generally, you would find the keywords for niche topics with a low R/S value, build a theme around these keywords and work out a mini website of around 20 to 50 pages. The key to such a website is written content. In many cases, I found reprint rights articles were also used and these were also sites that were successful in bringing in consistent traffic and revenue. Each page is normally written around just one keyword and the entire webpage is tightly SEOed (search engine optimized).

In the second model, a one page article forms the website with google adsense on that article.In order to feature prominently, website promotion is necessary for this model. This is effected by submitting articles using automated softwares and gathering links in return. There were reports that this model is successful, however I did not receive figures to substantiate this claim nor have seen any figures.

This is by far the model that was reported to be widely successful. This model is based on the concept of " Build, Build and Build!". In other words, an incessant non-stop drive to keep on building websites and treating the business as stricly one of providing workable content sites for publishing adsense. However, care must be exercised at all times to follow Google Adsense Terms of Service. A prominent feature of this model was to use some form of auto generating software such as softwares that can generate directories or portals, the use of RSS and blogging to maintain and update the sites on a daily basis or a series of rotating templates. Care must also be keenly exercised that the sites must have content, and not merely appear spammy with results scrapped from search engines. One piece of advice from a veteran adsense publisher was that he would run over his sites such that he was clearly satisfied that the web pages were actually pleasing to a visitor and that the webpages were designed for humans. Often quoted by proponents of Model 3 is that the key to maximizing google adsense revenue and indeed affiliate revenue was to engage in a "numbers game". The more websites you build and commission, the higher is the revenue provided your keyword research is well done. In one case, one publisher claimed that his 65 years old mother could also work on this model by using a RSS system and was earning a good income just a few weeks into the model.

Which of the three models is applicable and useful to you? Are you in for the long term as a serious adsense publisher?

Above all these, you will need a compilation of good resources to assist you in your business as an adsense publisher. Gather the correct resources, personalize the good information and keep working on your model until you reach a good measure of success. Be of good faith, do not falter and you will reach success.
By: Peter Lim ,CFP

The Secret Of High AdSense Revenues

Great Content - The Secret Of High AdSense Revenues
by Joel Comm

There are two ways to think about AdSense: you can think of it as a way to use your website to make money; and you can think of it as a way to make money with a website.

What's the difference?

The difference is in the content. In the first case, you already have a website and you simply put AdSense on the page to turn it into cash. You might change the content a little to influence the ads and you could make sure that you include the best keywords to bring you the highest revenues. You should certainly play with the way the ads look on the page to make them attractive and unobtrusive - and there's a huge range of different strategies you can use to do that.

Ultimately though, the content is there already. You're just using AdSense to turn the content you're going to create anyway into money - and you're going to use AdSense secrets to make those revenues as high as possible.

But lots of people also want to build a website from scratch for the sole purpose of cashing in on all the money available through AdSense. There's nothing wrong with that - provided the content is high quality.

This is crucial. Google doesn't take kindly to sites packed with keywords and all sorts of other garbage just to provide a space to put up an AdSense unit. There's a good chance they won't approve the site, and little chance, even if they did, that you'd get any click-throughs.

But that doesn't mean you have to really bust a gut to create the sort of website that brings you a small fortune in AdSense revenues. In my book, Google AdSense Secrets, I discuss in detail a number of different methods that you can use to create great content quickly and easily. Some of these methods cost a little money; some are completely free and still give you outstanding content. Whichever method you use though the important to remember is that your site has to have real content that people will genuinely enjoy reading. There's no point in trying to cut corners in creating content - and absolutely no revenue to gain.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Websites Traffic Secrets Exposed

Here are the secrets to increase your web site traffic. Here is how to create thousands of visitors daily to your website; and these three methods guarantee targeted visitors to your web site, not just hits from some email list or advertising gimmick you probably paid too much for.

There are several ways to generate both free and paid web site traffic, but there really are only a handful of effective ways to generate traffic without spending a lot of money and without wasting a lot of time. What I mean is: There are only a few ways that are really powerful and worthwhile.

I won’t waste your time telling you about all those “other ways.” I am interested in showing you the most powerful, proven, and fastest ways to create an avalanche of targeted traffic to your website, without it costing you a small fortune!

There are a couple of free methods that I could recommend, but these only really work as a result of your primary traffic generation methods. What I’m getting at is using a free viral traffic generation matrix. This type of free traffic generator only works well if you already have a ton of traffic to your site which you have generated by other means. You could also use a free traffic exchange program and surf for credits, but not until you get lots of people signed up under you will you see any real increase to your web site traffic.

Joint ventures are no doubt the fastest and most powerful way to drive thousands of visitors to your site, to build a large list, and to make lots of money in an amazingly short amount of time. But to take advantage of a joint venture (JV) you need your own large list already or your very own product which you own outright. If you're like most people, however, you are an affiliate marketer using other people's products to build your own online business from scratch, so a JV is simply not an option.

Let me cut to the chase. The three most powerful methods to generate tons of traffic to your site without costing you a fortune are:

1. Ezine Advertising
2. Article Writing, and
3. The Search Engines

Ezine advertising will get you super fast results so that you can begin building your list and generating a small income from your "One Time Offer" immediately. It’s affordable and it’s fast. You can generate literally thousands of visitors with one Top Sponsor Ad. Ezine ads are cheap enough to run once a week, and you can track and test different headlines and copy until you find an ad that works well for you. Prices run from $20 to $80 per insertion depending on the number of subscribers.

Article writing is extremely important to your business. It qualifies you as an expert in your field, it generates traffic every time your article is posted on somebody else's website, and it builds trust with your customer which makes it easier to convert your traffic into sales. Article writing also dovetails with your search engine traffic generation method to get you on page one of the search results, so article writing really is essential to achieve lots of free organic search engine traffic.

Search engine traffic is the secret to your super success. If you can get placed on page one of a Google search result for some highly targeted keywords, you will drive so much traffic to your website that your success will be off the chart! I am talking about thousands of visitors per day! This really is achievable in the long run, and therefore something you must shoot for.

Getting search engine traffic depends on three main variables: 1) SEO on-page optimization which is not difficult to do. 2) Writing articles which create links back to your site. 3) Content, content, and more quality content on your website that contains the same keywords that your articles are optimized for. Additionally, you can purchase some text links on some high page rank web sites that will give your site a big boost in the organic search results.

Don’t waste your time with banner ads or free classified ads. It really is just a waste of your valuable time. Sure you may see a trickle of visitors to your website from these promotions, but what you want is a river of people rushing to your website! Put your time and effort into what works in a BIG way. Remember, your objective is to drive thousands of visitors to your website.

There are so many offers and promises of free traffic on the net today. Ignore them. Don’t waste your time and money! And remember, even the free methods require that you promote them. Most of what’s out there is hype and doesn’t work well. What works amazingly well are the three methods I mentioned in this article.
by-William Perkins

High Traffic,One of the X Factor of Opt.AdSense

Increasing your online business depends on your ability to optimize your web page for the search engines. The popular search engines such as Google and Yahoo look for keywords and links. Keywords are important because the Internet is made up of words however links are just as important because they allow the search engines to weigh your web page in terms of popularity, so to speak.

You might be wondering how you can attract visitors to your web page,and how to increase your search engine results. There are several options. You can pay webmasters and individuals for a link to your site. You can also offer a reciprocal link trade.

A reciprocal link trade works because most web pages are interested in increasing their search engine rankings and traffic so most will be willing to host a link to your site if you host a link to theirs. The easiest way to achieve this is to target web sites that apply to your target market, but are not in direct competition with your products and services. Then, put up a link to their site and send the webmaster an e-mail asking for a reciprocal link. The webmaster will then either link to your web page, or not. If not, simply delete the link to that web page and start the process over. It will be successful most of the time, but if not don't get angry, just keep looking for other web-sites.

Links are the backbone of any successful internet business. Without them, you have little to no traffic on your site. In order for your website to gain valuable exposure, you need to develop as many backlinks as possible. These links can come from reciprocal link exchanges, directories, articles, and a slew of many other sources. The key is to gradually build a large collection of inbound links which specifically target key words. The bottom line is, links are essentialy to your websites traffic, and your success.

AdSense Publishers Most common Mistakes

1.Clicking ads on your site.
This is the biggest of all the adsense mistakes and an easiest way to get your account banned.
2. Editing adsense codes.
You are not allowed to edit the adsense codes you obtain from your adsense account. It is also advised to make the color changes etc from the adsense account itself instead of editing it from the codes. This is to avoid the possibility of mistakes.
3.Placing more ad units than allowed on a page.
Only 3 ad units, 1 link unit, 2 search tabs, 4 different referral buttons are allowed on a single page. It should always be made sure that all your pages are within the allowed list.
4. Using other contextual PPC ads together with google ads.
You are not allowed to display other contextual ads on a page which is showing google ads. Google ads, YPN ads etc are examples of contextual ads. Amazon ads are examples of non contextual ads. However there is a debate on whether amazon's omakase is contextual or not.It has been informed by adsense support that Amazon ads can be displayed on the same page with google ads.
5. Labeling ads with texts other than "sponsored links" or "advertisements".
Only the above mentioned two labels are allowed for google ads. I have seen that some publishers uses labels like "sponsors" "links" "links of interest" "click here for more info" etc. I can assure that these are against adsense TOS and can get your account banned.
6.Disclosing your adsense reports data to public.
You are not allowed to disclose anything other than your aggregate earnings to others. I have seen many people copying data from their reports and pasting with their questions on different forums. Everyone must know that this isn't allowed at all.
7.Placing direct download links for music or video on your adsense site.
According to adsense TOS, no link on your site should directly lead to audio or video result.
8.Too many entirely different topics on a single site.
This mistake won't get you banned but this can make it difficult for you to get relevant ads.
9. Not updating your site often enough.
This also won't get you banned but will affect your earnings and traffic. A site which is updated regularly will be getting a lot of return traffic and the ads will be changing from time to time thus the chances of same ads appearing for too long and people becoming not interested in clicking on the ads is reduced.
10. Not blending ads with your pages.
To get a good click through you should make ads look like a part of your site and not as an alien from mars.
11. Setting up the payment hold for too long.
Adsense is very strict about click fraud and they can ban any account if they detects fraud clicks.Once you are banned they won't pay you the money you earned before you was banned. So it is not a good practice to set up a payment hold for too long a time interval.
12. Not checking your adsense reports at least once a day.
If you don't check your reports regularly you won't know when something suspicious happens on your account. If you are checking it regularly you can write to adsense support whenever you find something suspicious and it can save your account from getting banned.
13.Not reading adsense TOSandPPcarefully.
If you haven't read it yet go read it now. Its a must for every adsense publisher.
14.Launching a New Page for clicked ads by default.
15.Creating more than one account.
16.Placing ads on pages with no content.
17.Masking ad elements.
18.Sending your ads by html formatted emails.
19.Referring people to visit search results page from your adsense search tab.
20.Placing ads on a site in unsupported language.
21.Specifying google ads as alternate ads.
22.Not adding spacers or boarders to seperate ads from images.
23.Getting into the clickgroups (There is reports that click groups are working from countries like Botswana,Syria,Pakistan etc who will clcik your if you pay a small amount to them.)
24.Placing your ads on sites created just to display ads.
25.Placing too many ads and keyword stuffing.

Your're Getting Irrelevant Or Off-targeted Google Adsense Ads And How To Stop Them

Reasons for getting irrelevant Ads:

*Lack of content
You all Know that google adsense ads are contextual.Hence keyword rich content is a must to get well targeted ads.If your site has less content that can be one of the reasons why you are getting off-targeted ads and/or PSAs.

*Sensitive Keywords
Sometimes webmaster have to compromise on including keywords which are not related to your niche in their site's content.If these sensitive keywords happens to fall under the category of high paying ones you will see ads related to them on your site instead of getting ads related to the topic of your site.Some webmasters would think that they will benefit from these ads since they have a higher EPC but this is not the case,Since these ads are irrelevant to your site's content your visitors will not be interested in clicking on them.

*poor advertising strategies by advertisers
This is something which not under the control of the publishers.It is found that some advertisers uses generic keywords to bid upon in their advertising campaigns instead of using specific keywords.This results in serving off-targeted ads to a publisher's site.This is neither going to help the advertiser since it will reduce the sales and their ROI.

Geo-targeting in the google adsense is another reason why we sometimes gets off-targeted ads.Some Geo-targeted ads doesn't consider about the site's topic and considers only about the geographic location from where the visitor is.

*comment spamming
This can be another reason for getting off-targeted ads.This happens mainly in blogs.sometimes adsense media bot picks up the sensitive keywords that may be there in the spam comments and serves ads which are related to them and thereby resulting in irrelevant ads for the site.

*Section targeting with "weight ignore"
You can use this to mask the your content with sensitive keywords from adsense media bot.Locate the part of your content with sensitive keywords and enclose it between section targeting with weight ignore tags.

*make sure that your site's topic is reflected more from your page titles,headers,meta tags,Image ALT parameter and from your content instead of from graphics and images that appear on your sites.

*Use your keywords in your page titles,headers and the words near to where the ads are going to appear.

*Don't use generic names as your page file names.For example,if your page is about "Making money with adsense" you can name the file as "making-money-with-adsense.html" or something like that.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Strong Advertisement on Blogs(adSense)

Being a blogger it is especially hard for Google Adsense to pay dividends. Blogs by and large are of a personal nature, with many varying topics. Depending on how personal you are, you can rest assured that the majority of ads will target the words "Blog", or the town/area which you live. Generally people don't search for "New York Blogger", and arrive by your site a completely different way. How can you make sure that your posts are targeting relevant ads?

The Structure of the Blog

Blog structure is hundreds of different pages all interlinked - there's the landing page, the archive pages and individual posts. Each page can have a number of Google Advertisements on it, and they can be put in the post and the sidebar. The majority of clickthroughs I find is not from the main page or indeed the archive pages, it's the pages of the individual posts. These pages get good search engine ranking - with keyword rich URLs. Have a look at a few of your URL's, the usually contain the title of the post in the URL (if your post was titled "My Day", then your URL would be "" - Wordpress and other systems have similar URL's). Now, have a look at some of your titles. Do you believe they are as good as they should be? Do you believe that somebody searching for information on the subject concerned in your post will find your post high in a search engine? If your blog is personal, and you are happy to get the odd click here and there, nothing more, then often a witty title could be better. However, if you want Google Ads to be a form of income for you and your blog, they have got to be easily found by the search engine.

Keyword Rich Titles

This is quite crucial. Keyword rich titles can lead to strong Google placement. I personally saw my Adsense income increase (not by a huge amount, but a definite increase) when I switched to my "three strong keywords" titling method, if you have a relevant title, it will appear in the URL and in between the header tags, meaning Google (and Adsense) is more likely to pick it up.

Ad Placement

Notice the ads on this page, they are in pretty good positions, that are not hugely intrusive, and are clearly defined, but don't stand out. Generally, the top left, bottom of individual posts and footer placements lead to successful clickthroughs. It's not a matter of fooling your visitors to click your ads, it's a matter of using the eye's natural progression around the page to encourage your users to view your ads, before making a decision to click it. I like putting an advertisement at the bottom of the page, as it makes adds a footnote to the page, kind of like saying (subconsciously) "Thank you for reading my article, here are some products and services you may be interested in"

Look at the News

Blogs have one advantage over traditional sources that should something new happen, you can easily become the definitive source on it. Be quick. Early last summer on my blog I set up a World Cup fantasy football league, and blogged something new everyday about it. I received a number of clickthroughs and referrals, largely because individuals were finding my site for fantasy football. It could be anything, but a couple of posts about a subject at a critical time could pick up a nice amount of clickthroughs.

Strong Content - Truly Key

Of course, as a final point, all of the above is pointless if you have no readers to click the adverts. Readers strengthen your search engine placement with backlinks and recommendations. Regular readers won't (and shouldn't) click, but if they bolster your position in search engines, then clickthroughs should be coming!

Finally, don't expect to become a millionaire overnight using Google Adwords - it is unlikely to happen. The nature of blogs mean that - unless your blog is specific and a definitive source for a certain niece of products - you won't earn a fortune. But follow these methods and you should get a second income doing something you love, which can't be a bad thing, can it?


Another magic Tricks

Not enough?How about another one for you and just for you...

Effect: The magician takes a packet of ten cards from the top of a shuffled deck. A spectator thinks of one of those cards and memorizes it. The magician tells the spectator to also memorize the position of the card from the top of the (face-down) packet. That done, the magician squares the packet up.

Magician divides the packet in half. He takes the top five cards and places them under the bottom five. He asks the spectator for the position of the remembered card. Magician takes a card from the top of the packet and puts it on the bottom. Do this the same number of times as the number the spectator gave you.
The magician finds the card, using the Elimination Shuffle.

The Elimination Shuffle: Take the top card off the packet and put on the bottom. Take the new top card and put it on the table. Keep doing this, one card to the bottom, next card to the table, until you hold only one card. It will be the card the spectator chose.

Magic for beginners

i've been studying magic arts for 4 years right now,the tricks,the psychology and all..its amazing on how it changes my life , i mean with magic you can do anything,you entertain,you make friends and connections and that really helps on your carreer,its even boost your self esteem,you probably dont believe me on how magic can affect someone's life,so i'll tell you what..i'm gonna give you some free magic tricks and you can prove it yourself.

Hand a full deck of cards to a volunteer to shuffle. (Make sure it's a FULL deck.) Ask the volunteer to deal the deck into two piles. Have them choose one of the piles and remember the bottom card. Tell the volunteer to show the bottom card to the audience (anyone else who's there,) but not you. Ask them to place the pile containing the bottom card on top of the other pile. Then ask the volunteer to deal the deck into four piles from left to right.

Pick up each pile and ask the volunteer if their card is in that pile. As you ask, reassemble the deck, making sure the pile with their card goes on the very top. Give the deck to the volunteer and have them deal the cards, one at a time face down on the table, spelling out the word "PRESTO". Have them turn the next card over. This is their chosen card!

Voila!you've just learn a magic tricks and i have another one coming soon!

Recommended Money Maker other than AdSense

Text Link Ads
$100 in FREE Links
Chitika eMiniMall

Thursday, November 09, 2006

how to tweak your "Ads" to make the click!

* dont look like an "Ads".
people dont visit your website for Ads,they want good content.
if you make the ads sticking out with bright colors and eye catching borders,people will recognize it as ads and will try harder to avoid them.
if you want people to click then make them like they're part of your content.
and go for text ads instead of banner and image ads.
Text Link Ads

Optimizing AdSense

i'm assuming that you already have a website with AdSense and now how to optimize the income from AdSense.
Step one is By Tweaking the ads ( to make them more apealling to your visitors )
Step Two is By Optimizing your website (for better AdSense targetting (or what the google folks call " content relevance " )
and the only way to get number one and two right is by :
Ster three , Tracking Visitors Response. If you dont know what works and what doesnt in trying to increase your adsense're shooting arrows in the dark,it wont hit.
the right tracking tool can can reveal a great deal of your visitors and answer fundamental question such as "what're they looking for" and "what makes them..'click' " once you've figured that out,'re on your way to big AdSense bucks!

Making Money With AdSense

Google wants a slice of your Traffic,and they're willing to pay for it.
For those who has been complaining of high traffic and low sales,there's simply no better way
to Cash in on those hard earned Visitors to your web pages.

AdSense Makes it easy , no need to install softwares , no need to scout for affiliates ,nothing to buy
etc and earn from 100 - 1000+ $ a Day.

The Google AdSense program is like finding money in the street.

Kids in High School are making thousands of dollars a month with Adsense... Housewives, Retiree's, Mom and Pop's who've never made a dime on the Internet have created full time incomes by simply placing AdSense Ads on their web site or blog.

Then you have the "Super AdSense" earners. We have all heard of them... the Elite few who are on track to make half a million dollars a year or more promoting AdSense sites.

Do not be mistaken though... these people are not building like your Mom and Pop's do. They have systems in place that create sites for them... people who build sites for them... they have outsourced and automated many of the tedious tasks such as posting to blogs and searching for keywords.

While most people cannot emulate everything these Super AdSense earners do... many of them you can.

Here are 7 Required Steps you can implement today to copy their success.

1) Starting today... treat your AdSense business like it is a REAL business and track what you do.

Begin tracking what you are doing that works... as well as what you are doing that does not work. This will keep you from making the same mistakes over and over, and you can repeat the steps that have worked in the past. As simple as this step seems... most people do not know the reason(s) to their success or failure.

2) Utilize the latest tools and software available.

The Super AdSense earners are not any smarter than your average person. I know many people think they are... but for the most part, they are regular non techie people.

They are smarter in one respect though... they use the latest tools available to them to automate most of the tasks involved with researching and creating sites. They use the latest keyword, site creation and search engine optimization tools available. The tools they use are their secret weapons.

3) Quit chasing the Mega Dollar keywords.

You cannot compete with the search engine experts who create sites for the $80 payout keywords. You may get lucky every now and then... but in the long run, you are better off building sites for the low to mid range payout keywords. The competition is less, and your chance of success is much higher over the long term.

4) Choose broad niches and break it down.

Choose a broad subject as your main theme (lets use computers for an example). From there... break it down into as many sub niches as possible.

Using Computers as the example... you could build sub niches/sites like laptop computers, computer hard drives, computer keyboards, etc, etc. You could literally build hundreds of sites around one major theme and stay totally focused. Once you have exhausted every possible sub niche of that major theme... choose another main theme and repeat the process.


Keep your sites easy to navigate and forget the fancy graphics that distract your visitors attention. Unless you are just building AdSense sites for the fun of it and to impress your friends... the purpose of having the site is to have people click on one of the ads, right? Then keep the site layout simple... dump the scrolling banners, dancing chickens and colored scroll bars... they are distractions.

6) What is the purpose of your web site?

Your web site cannot be everything to everybody. If you have a full fledged ecommerce site, with products for sale... links to other products, it is not a good site for AdSense. If the primary focus of the site is to sell products... let it do that.

Do not distract or confuse your visitor with to many options or choices. The best AdSense sites are AdSense only content sites that sell nothing. They are sites that "Tell"... not "Sell."

7) Be consistent.

This is not one of those deals where you build one site and you are done. Refer back to Step #4. You must continuously build in order to be successful.

Think of it as planting a crop that you will harvest in a month or two, and the sites you build are seeds. Once the seeds have grown and matured... you will reap the harvest. The more seeds you plant... the larger the harvest.

To sum it up... utilize the tools available to automate as much of the process of building sites - doing research and building keyword lists as you can. This alone will help keep you organized and on track. Be consistent in building... treat it like the business it is and you will reap the rewards of your harvest.

and now,lets get started.

To make money with adsense,you've got to have a website ,there's no getting around that.
the good news is it's easy to make a website from scratch and to use to generate real revenue.

if you already has one,the first step is to register AdSense,you have to tell google whether your a company or a one man show,it's important because it tells them where to send the money( in general its better to get your money by direct deposit , because google charges for express mail checks )
Once you're approved , you'll just have to copy and paste a small piece of code into your website and You're done.